How to properly have sex with a woman

Welcome to 2020 and welcome to Season Two of the Closeness Podcast! To start the New Year off with a bang we’re diving in with a sexually-explicit episode that covers fifteen steps to giving a woman a phenomenal experience she won’t forget. What are some of the specific things we can do to get out of our heads, out of our egos and into our partner? Do you have strategies for going beyond yourself and getting into her? This is not a technique driven episode, but if you apply these principles women will feel dramatically more comfortable and sexually drawn to you. We’ll help you decipher what confidence and presence is and teach you how to enjoy the journey along the way. Perhaps most importantly, we’ll show you how to make sure she actually wants to have sex with you.


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What is the Closeness Podcast?

The Closeness podcast teaches us how to be intimate, romantic and sexual in the healthiest way possible. Delivering sensual content with class, we unravel real