In this unprecedented interview read by the podcast host, a Closeness Client shares her struggles with intimacy and grapples with her desires for dominance and assertiveness in relationship. A two part interview with a “director’s cut” version: commentary from the host, as well as an unadulterated interview. Does her experience hit home?
0:00 Intro
2:15 The basis of this interview
6:04 The unedited interview begins at about 58 minutes
6:24 The interview begins
7:09 How long have you been together and what is working?
8:16 Fantasizing about dominance
8:42 How is your communication?
9:16 Some personal commentary
11:56 What are you struggling with in your relationship?
12:40 Discussion about women waiting for the action
14:52 She needs a dominant man
22:58 How can I help and what do you want to accomplish here?
29:40 Infidelity and frequency of sex
32:48 Expectations about sex
35:12 Who rejects who more and why?
38:59 Where would you like to see your partner be more of something
40:48 Her primal sexual experiences
44:40 My commentary
50:30 How a man can assert dominance in an attractive way to her
53:00 The importance of women speaking their minds in relationship
53:32 Her sexual kinks and interests
54:02 Do you climax regularly, even if not together?
54:16 She wants to learn how to be more feminine and elimiate masculine energy
1:21:59 Outro